Online Training & Courses
The major challenge of the effective implementation of child friendly justice is capacity building, training of legal professionals. To face this, several training tools are already available online:
Developed by European projects or organisations :
HELP Programmes, Council of Europe
Courses and Support on child protection, Promise, Barnahus Network
Various courses on child protection, Child Hub, Terre des Hommes
Protecting Child Victims Through Restorative Justice, i-Restore, Terre des hommes, European Forum for Restorative Justice, Restorative Justice Nederland
Strengthening the capacity of professionals in the EU to fulfil the rights of vulnerable children, Unlocking Children’s Rights, Coram International
Training of lawyers representing children in criminal, administrative and civil justice, TRACHILD, European Lawyers – Foundation
Training for lawyers who work with children suspected or accused of an offence: Guide for Trainers, CLEAR Rights, Terre des hommes Hungary & DCI-Belgium
Created by academic entities :
IDEA Child Rights, The IDEA Project, University College Cork
Children's Human Rights - An Interdisciplinary Introduction, University of Geneva
Getting Care Right for All Children: Implementing the UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children & Caring for Vulnerable Children, University of Strathclyde Glasgow & Centre for excellence for Children's Care and Protection
Children’s Rights in Theory and Practice, Harvard University
Resilience in Children Exposed to Trauma, Disaster and War, University of Minnesota
Protecting Children in Humanitarian Settings, Columbia University
Child Protection for Teachers, Queensland University of Technology
Improving legal practice with children and young people, Training Activities for Legal Experts (TALE), Unversity of Liverpool
Current training courses (3), The International School of Juvenile Justice (ISJJ)
Various training materials on child’s rights in international and European context in justice settings, Academy of European Law
Produced by various organisations :
Access to justice for migrant children in the EU, International Commission of Jurists
A training manual for care professionals working with children in alternative care, SOS Children's villages
Ending Child Detention , International Detention Coalition
Individual assessment – a gateway to a child-centred justice, The Focus Project