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Marine Braun

Child Rights Expert, Portugal

Marine Braun

A lawyer by training, Marine Braun has over 13 years of experience as a multi-country project coordinator in various institutions and as an independent consultant, notably with the United Nations (UNICEF, UNDP, IOM), the Council of Europe (within the Children's Rights Division), and civil society organisations (Defence for Children International, Terre des Hommes, etc.). Her expertise focuses on issues related to access to child-friendly justice and the active participation of children in all decisions affecting them.

Through her assignments, Marine has provided support to various governments and institutional partners across three continents: America, Africa, and Europe. She has conducted in-depth research and developed tools to promote children's rights.

Marine's approach aligns with the fundamental principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), emphasising the best interests of the child and their active participation. She firmly believes that the voice of the child must be heard and considered at all levels.

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