Child Friendly Justice ...
In Action !

The project aims to guide and promote the adaptation of administrative proceedings to the specificities of the child. This approach is based on the child friendly principles enshrined in the Guidelines of the Council of Europe for a child friendly justice (for more information, please see this link).
This project will enable the Network to have an overview of the implementation of child friendly justice in European countries participating in the project (good practices and needs of professionals working with children in contact with the judicial system). It will also allow us to have an overview of good practices and needs of young people. Finally this project will bring an effective response to these needs and gaps. The whole project is based on a bottom-up approach.
Thanks to these tools and to this project, professionals will effectively be aware of child friendly justice principles and they effective implementation, as well as information on existing training and guidance.
CFJ-IA report
Child migrants and Child-friendly administrative justice procedures
This document aims at raising awareness on child friendly approaches in migration-related procedures concerning unaccompanied and accompanied foreign children applying for international protection. It can be used as an advocacy tool for human and children’s rights organisations when addressing key stakeholders. It also includes informative material relevant to professionals in contact with children on the move (whether they are guardians, lawyers or professionals involved in international protection procedures), highlighting key elements ensuring that children on the move benefit from a justice system better adapted to their needs and requirements.
CFJ-IA toolkit for professionals​
Designed to be as simple, clear and straightforward as possible, this tool helps professionals working with child migrants to integrate key elements enabling the mainstreaming of child-friendly principles into their work.
Click on the following buttons to download the toolkit:
Voices of children
This document is a compilation of the quotes from child migrants who participated in the CFJ-IA project. It contains children's opinions on migration related administrative justice procedures
CFJ-IA national reports​
Through desk-research, consultations of children and consultations of professionals in contact with children involved in international protection application, each project partner drafted its national report aiming at highlighting the needs, the good practices and the recommendations in order to enhance child-friendly administrative justice procedures.
Based on the national reports, partners developed the synthesis report of the Child-Friendly Justice in Action project, the CFJ-IA toolkit for professionals and the "Voices of children" document (see above here).Â
Click on the following buttons to download the national reports:

Coordinated by DCI-Belgium in partnership with DCI-France, DCI-Spain, DCI-Czechia, DCI-Greece, DCI-Netherlands and DCI-Italy

by the Erasmus+ programme
of the European Commission